Bulletin | Registration | program and transparencies | participants | Practical information | Photos |
After "Neutrino 2004" the convergence of results from atmospheric, solar, reactor and accelerator experiments confirms the massive neutrino and gives the first opportunity to test physics beyond the Standard Model. The neutrino oscillations picture is still missing 3 fundamental ingredients: the mixing angle θ13, the mass pattern and the CP phase δ.
Future neutrino beams of conventional and novel design aimed at a megaton type detector could give access to these parameters. Such a detector would also be the next generation facility for proton decay searches and an invaluable supernovae neutrino observatory.
There are currently studies for building such a detector in at least three regions in the world (Japan, US and Europe). This workshop, faithfull to the tradition of previous NNN conferences, aims at a wide discussion on the roadmap and the overall coordination of the megaton scale detector community.
The meeting will be organized in Aussois, a little village in the french Alps, 10 km away from the Frejus tunnel, which hosts the Modane Underground Laboratory.
International Advisory Committee
Hiroaki Aihara (Tokyo), John N. Bahcall (Princeton), Mila Baldo Ceolin (Padova), Barry Barish (Pasadena), Eugene Beier (Philadelphia), Alain Blondel (Geneva), Eugenio Coccia (Gran Sasso), Enrique Fernandez (Barcelona), Gianluigi Fogli (Bari), Thomas Gaisser (Newark), Maurice Goldhaber (Brookhaven), Helmut Haseroth (Cern), Chang Kee Jung (Stony Brook), Thomas Kirk (Brookhaven), Paul Langaker (Philadelphia), Mats Lindroos (CERN), William Marciano (Brookhaven), Kenzo Nakamura (KEK), Vittorio Palladino (Naples), Jogesh Pati (College Park), André Rubbia (Zurich), Bernard Sadoulet (Berkeley), David Sinclair (Ottawa), Hank Sobel (Irvine), Michel Spiro (Paris) Chairman, Paolo Strolin (Naples), Lawrence Sulak (Boston & Marseille), Yoichiro Suzuki (Tokyo), Yoji Totsuka (KEK), Franck Wilczek (Boston), Edward Witten (Princeton), Stanley G. Wojcicki (Stanford) .
Local Organizing Committee
Sandrine Barrère (Paris),
Alain de Bellefon (Paris),
Jacques Bouchez (Saclay),
Jean-Eric Campagne (Orsay),
Christian Cavata (Saclay),
Cédric Cerna (Marseille),
Isabelle Cossin (Paris),
Jérôme Damet (Annecy),
Sacha Davidson (Lyon),
Jacques Dumarchez (Paris),
Roxane Graindorge (Saclay),
Stavros Katsanevas (Paris),
Luigi Mosca (Saclay).
Sponsored by
Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS).
Conference secretary
NNN05 Isabelle Cossin, Sandrine Barrère LPNHE, T33 4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cédex 05, France tel 33 (0)1 44 27 68 95; fax 33 (0)1 44 27 46 38 email nnn05@in2p3.fr |
Jacques Dumarchez Last modified: Sat Apr 09 23:15:42 MEST 2005